Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Recent Commission

I just handed over my latest client portrait. This was commissioned as a gift for his daughter-in-law as a birthday surprise. She lives out of state, so they had a professional photographer shoot her in studio without telling her why she was having her photos taken. The client and I were then able to work together to choose the right piece of reference from the proofs (a funny side note: the photographer did a bunch of filtering and softening of the hi-res photo to compliment the model's beauty, which is what she normally does for clients. But it erased nearly every bit of surface texture and subtle plane change on the face, so I had to ask for a raw untouched photo, which I did get.).

I painted this on one of the New Traditions Art Panels that I mentioned in my last post. It was a very smooth linen with an almost undetectable grain. That made this piece very easy to photograph without capturing a bunch of little reflections off the surface.

This is 16 x 20 inches.

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